We are a premier partner to, and an exclusive distributor, preferred supplier, for a number of world’s biggest tyre brands manufacturers locally and across Africa. With huge buying power, we can pass on the great savings to our customers.

Having adopted a customer-centric philosophy, Gaslyft Tyres’ continuously strives to meet the needs of the fast-moving tyre market. Extensive industry knowledge combined with the high-performance tyres range, long-term customer relationships and focus on productivity and efficiency ensure Gaslyft Tyres’ customers receive the highest quality service they can rely on.

tyres brands

Our Vision

The leader in Africa in providing customer driven alternative to traditional fleet tyre supply, offering a collaborative approach to network selection and management that is based on financial and operational optimization.

Our Mission

  • To deliver outstanding service at all levels: Driver, Customer or Fleet Operator.
  • To provide system driven efficiencies whilst retaining a human touch.
  • To improve data management and invoice accuracy.
  • To focus on the cost of the tyre rather than the price.
  • To continuously take the after sales service seriously.


  • We supply Green Performance Tyres for very High Mileage, Retreadibility, Fuel Efficiency, Low Noise and Passenger Comfort.
  • We developed a team that is committed to providing exceptional service.
  • We have an absolute focus on customer service at driver and fleet level.
  • We are a preferred supplier and, in some cases, own the exclusive distribution rights to the world’s best quality tyre manufacturers.
  • We train our team to be aware of their own safety and keep those around them safe.
  • We develop strong local community relations.


We have had many years dealing directly with manufacturers so we have tried and tested product of excellent quality. Our tyre supply meet DOT, ECE Smark, Label and INMETRO standards and control specifications

  • We only deal with tried and tested factories
  • Any issues around quality is dealt with by us.

Price and Promise

By buying through us you can benefit from our purchasing power. We are able to give exceptional pricing because of our bulk buying capability. Our tyres are guaranteed 200,000km with a manufacture warranty of 100,000km. If any quality problem under normal running. We will freely replace the tyre or tyres.


Gaslyft Tyres believes in looking after the environment and demonstrating its commitment to the continuous improvement and prevention of pollution – to this end the company is working with the Carbon Trust to reduce its carbon footprint.